The insurance Institute of America approximates that 69% of household flooding is caused by burst washing machine hoses. The typical washing machine hose is a black rubber hose that most consumers don’t know is suggested to be replaced every three years. Because they are behind the washing machine and out of sight is indeed out of mind the typical homeowner in Fairfax and Prince William counties, have no idea that they are becoming a problem. Because they are rubber and chlorine has a tremendous effect on rubber and all city water is kept “safe” through the addition of chlorine to kill bacteria. It also kills those hoses, which is why Home Service Doctors strongly suggest having those rubber washing machine hoses replaced with the far superior braided steel hoses. It may seem insignificant, but with the average flood claim running into several thousands of dollars, the small investment to have them replaced, and upgraded is pennies to what not having them replaced will cost. Please ask your service professional, when he visits to take a look at yours and swap them out if you prefer safety over the gamble.
Washer Hoses
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